Illegal immigrants to receive better health care than citizens?

The year 2010 has been quite a year in terms of controversial decisions—Arizona passed a racist immigration bill that sparked a widespread boycott and Obama signed THE health insurance reform bill into law. To use a less-vulgar version of Joe Biden’s words, these decisions have been “very big deals.” Though these decisions put the care of illegal immigrants at the bottom of the barrel (obviously disregarding how vital they are  to the  prosperity of the U.S.), they are on the minds of some people.

Displaced patients to be covered by a new agreement met at an Atlanta-area church. —David Walter Banks for NYT

In this case, Grady Memorial Hospital is the entity who chose to provide for the needs of illegal immigrants. The Atlanta-based hospital, in a controversial decision that is likely to cause a national uproar, agreed to financially assist dialysis provider Fresenius Medical Services to offer care to 38 patients—including several illegal immigrants— who are end-stage renal patients.

This decision comes as a similar contract between Grady and Fresenius expires. That contract provided dialysis treatment to illegals for a transition period of one year after Grady closed its outpatient dialysis clinic, which was losing money. Sixty immigrants were affected by that decision. Important details, such as which patients will go where, what Grady’s portion of the bill will be and how long the treatment will last have yet to be determined.

In general, this issue of “caring” for illegal immigrants is sure to become a hot-button one, especially considering that the nation is brooding over a financial funk.

To learn more: read this New York Times article.