Embarazo adolescente entre Latina y los Latinos jovenes

Después de que mas que una década de las disminuciones, los centros para el control de enfermedades señale que el embarazo adolescente esta en el againde  de la subida.

La CDC muestra que el índice de natalidad adolescente aumento el 3 por ciento, poner fin a la disminución de 14 anos disminuya a partir de 1991-2005. Los reportajes nos enseña que estos embarazos están mas altos en los estados de el sur. Muchos expertos creen que los adolescentes no reciben suficiente información en las escuelas o entre su familia.

Es fácil echar la culpa a los programas federales pero también queremos que notar que es nuestra responsabilidad de ensenar nuestros hijos y hermanos/hermanas la importancia de abstinencia adelante en lugar de una variedad de opciones del control de la natalidad.

Nuestros hijos necesitan de prender la importancia de sexo seguro por que si no van a practicar abstinencia pueden practicar sexo segur, y pueden parara un embarazo o infectar se por un STD. La subida mas alta del embarazo adolescente esta entre latinos y es nuestra trabajo para ayudar los.

Necesitamos estar encima de nuestros niños y hermanos cada dia recordándolos sobre seguridad y la importancia de su futuro. Ellos deben de saber que estamos a qui para ayudar los en cualquier manera, pero es importante que nosotros seamos los primeros a alcanzar hacia fuera a ellos y que deben saber que no deben tener miedo de hablar con nosotros, somos familia.

Embarazo adolescente entre Latinos

Latina Women and Cervical Cancer


A research study shows Latinas in the U.S. have the highest rates of cervical cancer.

A research study shows Latinas in the U.S. have the highest rates of cervical cancer.

A health website dedicated to serving minority women with information regarding health care and many types of serious illnesses affecting many communities brings an alarming issue that many Latinas in the U-S are facing right now.


The website www.womenshealth.gov reveals that Latina women have the highest rates of cervical cancer and the second highest death rates from cervical cancer.

The U.S. Census Bureau for 2000 shows that Latinos alone make up nearly 33% of the population in the california.

A  high percentage of Latina women help make up this big percentage.

There is a rising concern for Latina women who are vulnerable to cervical cancer.

Many of these women are younger generations who have been born and raised in this country. Because they have adapted more to the American culture– they are more likely to participate in unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, drinking, and poor nutrition all major factors that can contribute to cervical cancer.

Another rising concern Latina women who do not have health insurance and their lack of health care.

The National Coalition on Health Care says the percentage and the number of uninsured Latinos  increased to 32.1 percent in 2007.

This number is expected to rise now that President Obama has proposed a new health care reform that leaves non U.S. citizens out of the picture.

This new reform makes it less accessible for many immigrants currently leaving in the United States who need and depend on the proper health care especially Latina women who fall under this category.

The new issue focuses on this particular group and how they are going to be able to access health care if they have cervical cancer.

Women of all race and differences should have the right to healthcare and determine a solution to help decrease the amount of women in contact with cervical cancer.

But no matter where this country stands politically with its issues, women of all races and ethnical backgrounds end up having to wait in line for a right  only to be reminded that is actually a privilege.

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